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Words From the Well!
Strrretch that gold cord all the way to Indianapolis, and home again! We've just returned from a wonderful weekend at the 47th General Council of the Assemblies of God, in Indianapolis, Indiana. While I would normally be writing this devotional on a late-Saturday night writing binge, my husband and I instead were on a late-Saturday night eating binge, far removed from my MAC (mighty awesome computer, that is)! It was fun for the young-at-heart, and foolish for the old-in-bod--and we were BOTH, but it was worth it! I met "fans" of Peggie's Place, was inspired by great preaching and fabulous music, hugged a zillion friends, and now it's back home to the REAL Peggie's Place and this week's devotional, two days late! A Hurting Word...
This devo was born out of an awesome altar service at the General Council. Two generations - younger teens and older ministers - met at the altar, prayed together, and connected with a "gold cord" given by senior pastors to a future generation. A sight I will never forget. I saw connections - of love, faith and hope - may His blessing and anointing continue until He comes!
The Love Connection! A Helping Word...or Two!
Connect with the loud music, the weird fashions, the "cool" talk of TEENS? You gotta be kiddin'--and yet Jesus does! He sees hungry hearts, lonely souls, homeless spirits, and reaches down with His love to embrace and woo them to the Cross, HIS ultimate love connection! He genuinely loves them--and so can we.
Reach for that gold cord! For if we can move beyond the "strange" fads and fashions, and see teens for whom Christ died; if we can ask for His patience and wisdom to teach them, His "Agape" love to enfold them, His divine peace to fill them--if we can reach out and TOUCH them with His love, we'll have made the ultimate connection. The Gold Cord of His love will bind us together to reach out to a world that needs His love so desperately. Put that gold cord around a teen's neck--love him, hug him, hold him, with the arms of God--let's connect for our kids' sake--and for the sake of His Kingdom. They are our golden treasures--AND His--and they are worth it!
The Faith Connection! Connect with the "off-the-wall" praise songs? Come on, we want the hymns! Connect with mime, drama, and the arts, instead of a sermon? And how about smash-a-car promotion for missions, the walkathon for life, the carnival for kids in the inner city? Put up with alternative worship? You gotta be kiddin'--and yet Jesus does! In fact, He blesses it, and thousands of dollars, hundreds of children, multitudes of hurting people, come into the Kingdom as a result. Our Lord does not look at the method--He looks at the faith behind the method. Old-fashioned or zany--He looks for people who have and will proclaim real faith--and so should we!
Reach for that gold cord! Let's put aside our traditional likes and dislikes--just a bit! Sure, teach them the hymns--that's their heritage--but learn THEIR worship choruses too! Let's support our creative youth leaders who yearn to see the old-fashioned "faith of our fathers" in today's new-fashioned kids. For you see, THAT never changes--the Word of God endures from generation to generation. So let the gold cord of faith bind us together to reach out to a world that needs real faith so desperately. Put that gold cord around some kid's neck--share your faith, your testimony, your heritage--listen to a "little bit" of his music!--and watch him respond. Let's connect for our kids' sake--and for the sake of His Kingdom! They are our golden treasures--AND His--and they are worth it!
The Hope Connection!
Go to the inner city with the Gospel? Mainline churches LEFT the inner city for safety! We're going BACK? You gotta be kidding--but Jesus does! He goes with our kids on missions trips, in carnivals, in puppet ministries, in Convoy of Hope programs. All over our nation and around the world, our teens are taking the Lord BACK to the inner city. Along with groceries to feed hungry mouths they joyfully bring God's Word to feed hungry souls--they're offering HOPE to struggling, hurting families--the hope of Jesus Christ who brings His light into the darkness of places known to man!
Reach for that gold cord! Know there is hope for the teens of our world--and in our homes! We live in a world of despair--sometimes we even despair for children and teens in our own families, bombarded daily with the evils of society, the subtleness of sin and the temptations of the enemy. Sometimes we struggle to hang on to the hope that God knows, He is watching, and He will answer our prayers for our kids. But He DOES know; He DOES watch; He WILL answer - the GOLD CORD OF HOPE is placed by the Father Himself around the necks of our teens--they are the apple of His eye; they are HIS HOPE to reach a world for Jesus Christ. Let's connect for our kids' sake--and for the sake of His Kingdom! They are our golden treasures--AND His--and they are worth it!
Last Friday night I saw the power of God unite two generations with the gold cord of love, faith and hope--verities that go far beyond any generational distance! His love still stands; our faith still holds; His hope endures--from one generation to another. Find a teen somewhere; make the gold cord connection, and see the love of God bring together generations--in our homes, our churches, our world. Where does it all begin? At the Cross--the place of the ultimate gold connection! Let's focus on things that unite us, not divide us--let's all try harder--and smile harder--we could start by singing "blest be the tie that binds"--now that's WITH drums, and an off-the-wall chart, not the hymn book, Mom/Dad...Now go hug your teen, listen to his latest Christian CD (well, you might wanna pass on that one, and just listen to HIM for a few minutes!), pig out on pizza with him--and have a great day!
And that's just a word or two--from my heart to yours!
His Healing Word
"Know, therefore, that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, who keepeth covenant and mercy with them who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations (Deuteronomy 7:9 KJV).""Lord, some days the gap between generations--in my home, my church, my world, is so great I can't stand it! Bind us together with Your cords of love, faith, hope--help me to transmit my own love, faith, and hope, to those who follow me. Thank You for a Gospel that endures and is relevant to EVERY generation--even the next one with whom I must live every day! Give me Your grace and understanding love to bridge the difficult gaps this week! In Jesus' Name, Amen."Copyright 2007 by Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, MO 65803.
Visit Peggie's Place for a banquet of Christian devotionals, resources and more - a family-friendly place for all ages. Broadcasts from General Council 2007
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visit A/G Online!If you'd like to know more about what your teens like,
visit YOUTHlinks!
Peggie's feature page for teens!
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Peggie's Place banner was "Made in Hawaii"
compliments of my friend Madelein of His Praise Maui!
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Well, not quite, but there HAS been a houseful--and
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The Christian Counter scans the entire site--and there's plenty of chocolate for everyone--so enjoy!
Most of the music playing at Peggie's Place originates from Songs of Praise.
Additional (previously named) original source for some midis: Gilberto Barreto.
Visit this great Web site to hear beautiful tunes by many talented artists. CDs are available.
5*-places to visit at Peggie's Place: Tickles 'n Truth . . . The Devotional Buffet
All the rooms at Peggie's Place!
All Scriptures on this website, including all applications, etc., are from the King James Version of The Holy Bible, public domain, unless otherwise noted.
Please note that while I strongly adhere to major tenets of the evangelical Christian faith, I may not personally agree with every specific doctrinal belief set forth in other Christian pages.
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Copyright 1996-2016 by Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, MO. - pbohanon@peggiesplace.com. - All rights reserved.