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From the Well!
A place of hurt, help, and healing!
by Peggie C. Bohanon
Did you miss a previous devo--or want to read more?
Find an extensive listing here!
A Hurting Word...
He's 18, he's my "little boy" and he's leaving home! THAT'S reality! The roots planted in our son Joey are about to take wings as he flies off to college, entering Evangel University, where his dad teaches--and where he will live a much-anticipated snack-full, sibling-free, study-challenged and sleep-deprived life on his own! He's a young adult, and with pride and tears, I let him go....This has been a very personal and LONG devotional today. I hope you will bear with me--and believe too that because we all serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we all have the promise that if we "train up a child in the way he should GO, he will not depart from it." Whatever stage of life you're in today, that God still works--for all of us--whether we are rooting or getting them ready to fly, He's there. I'm glad, aren't you?AFTER one more trip to the Well, where I--and you too--will find security, strength, and a deep knowledge that our kids, trained by us to the best of our ability, are in the hands of the Master by the Well--and HE is well able to take care of them...even if it takes a legion of angels to hang around them and keep them straight! Bring along the Kleenex--you may not need it, but I will...and oh, bring some snacks too--for the junk food king flying away with a 12-pack CokeĻ box tucked under each wing!
Heaven help us--we SHALL survive! If Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, three generations of Bibletime folk did it--so can we! And so we are off to look at these three generations and maybe learn some lessons for us all along the way!
A Helping Word...or Two!
Roots: The God of Abraham!
Walk into the Book of Genesis and meet Abraham--man of God, man of faith, who followed God wholly and supremely. And God was with him--daily, through the years, bringing him purpose and blessing, a plan for his life far beyond his own expectations, forever implanted in the heavenly heart of the God he loved.
Today I walk back in my book of memories to Pennsylvania--and to Grandpa, my dad who supremely loved His Savior first, then his family and five church families he pastored. He was a man of prayer, a man of the Word--an example of godly, faithful Christian living. His roots went deep--right into the heart of God. Vision-challenged, he memorized and could quote large portions of Scripture; he proudly, with a partner-preacher for a wife (my wonderful mom), led his two girls into the never-failing love and life of the Lord he loved....roots for the NEXT generation...
More Roots: The God of Isaac!
Keep walking through the Book of Genesis and you'll meet Isaac, child of promise, faithful man of God. Isaac most likely learned about God and came to know God through the godly living and training of his parents, Abraham and Sarah. No doubt many times they told him the story of his miraculous birth...and a seed was planted to be nourished and to grow into the man of God Isaac would become. That man needed a wife--and God brought Rebekah to his side. Together they served the Lord they loved...more roots for the NEXT generation...
Fly into Springfield, Missouri, open the book of memories, and you'll find a tale so long and so miraculous, you'd never get to college reading it! Peggie, raised in a pastor's home in Pennsylvania; Joe (professor at Evangel University), from a loving California home--and where east is east and west is west, and you're not supposed to meet, God found a wonderful way to do it, and for 22 years we have served Him together through many adventures, chuckles and tears. Delightful stories our sons have heard and LIVED over and over telling of God's goodness--to bring us together, to give us two wonderful and WACKY sons, and to grace us with His presence in good times and bad times...all roots for the NEXT generation...
Roots 'n Wings: The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
Fly back in time to the Book of Genesis once more and meet Jacob--the rascal schemer--and Esau, his brother. What rivalry there must have been in that home; two boys so very different, each vying for the blessing of their dad. Jacob, scheming his way; Esau, farming his way--both raised in the nuture and admonition of the Lord by their parents. Each made a choice--good and bad--as each took wings into the world. God loved them both...they each had their opportunity to place down their roots in Him before they took wings...they WERE the next generation!
Fly back into Springfield, once more (if you can get there from where you are!), and find two little boys, at Grandma and Grandpa's knees - either on them praying, or sitting on them for a hug--and know that they were loved and prayed for long ago. Watch them enter the home now called the Bohanon Zoo, and see them fighting over toys and territory, listening to Bible stories, learning to make their beds and do their chores (sure!), living to bless others with God-given talents. AND real rascals at heart--they've made our home a real zoo here, believe me!
Jason's still "a little bird" of 15 and A HALF - don't forget the HALF - and he's not yet leaving the nest. He'll be "in charge," so he thinks as his big brother soars into the sunrise.....so get out your binoculars as we zero in on Joey, the "big bird" leaving the nest on Saturday, August 26, 2000!
He's 18, he's my little boy...and I give him wings! Our Joey is a knowledge-filled wonder who never ceases to amaze, amuse and advise us....He knows everything, he can do everything and he can be anything he wants, within God's--and MOM'S--limits, of course...grin! Those limits include not coming home too late, eating your vegetables, cleaning your room, doing your chores...limits he will soon leave as he sets his OWN!
Yes, it's time, Joey, for you to spread your wings--and along with those 12-pack CokeĻ, please take with you everything you've learned, everything you've experienced, and every bit of love and pride we can give you. Forget the worst in us, remember the best in us--and above all, stay true to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The future holds great promise for you--so go ahead--soar--we watch you, through our tears, with great joy and pride--as you fly into the center of God's Will for YOUR life...for you ARE the next generation!!
His Healing Words
"God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, You are our God and we love You. We place ourselves and our children in Your hands--where it's safe, secure and a sure place to deposit our treasures. May the roots we've given them grow deep into their hearts; may they soar to serve You in whatever You call them to do. Bless and be with ALL our kids, Lord--and please grant us Your grace and guidance as we give them roots and prepare them to soar, In Jesus' Name, Amen."I Praise You, My Father" "Know, therefore, that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, who keepeth covenant and mercy with them who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations (Deuteronomy7:9)."
May His healing touch fill your heart with song!
Find the lyrics and tune here for the song now playing on this page.
Read it in God's Word! - Bible Gateway.com - Psalm+91:1-16">God's Promise to the ROOTS and WINGS Generations!
Your Weekly Assignment: Read Words from the Well poem and let the Lord minister to you.
He will, I promise! He is a faithful God and will be faithful to you today!FEATURED LINKS
Other related "empty nest" devotionals:
Ohhh, God!
He's MY Child Too!
The God of the Empty Nest!
Roots 'n Wings...a Pentecostal Heritage!
Companion devotional to today's Words from the Well.
The Family Room at Peggie's Place!
Where you can find growing-up photos of our family.
Perhaps we can update them--after the flight program is over!
The Brain Center at Peggie's Place!
Where you can meet Joey and Jason--updated pictures hopefully coming soon!
Evangel University-- New home of the SOARING bird! PRO-LIFE FEATURE: Child of Sorrow...Child of Peace!--A pro-life devotional by Peggie
Please e-mail me to say hi.
Thanks for visiting the Well today! Hope you were refreshed, and you will return!
I'll be waiting for you--and so will He! God bless!If you enjoy these devotionals, you are welcome to visit "Peggie's Place!",
and tour the rest of my home, with many resources for the Christian family.
NOTE: Brighten up someone's day!
New feature on Peggie's Place!--main page:
Send and receive cards from 123greetings.com--large assortment!
A place to enjoy other devotionals!
I'm blessed with a wonderful "virtual web family," many close friends
who not only help to keep me sane and smiling, but write wonderful devotionals.
Enjoy their spiritual insights--and their sites as well!
Visit with my friend Barb! Food from the Master's Table A Daily Dose of God's Word from Barbara's Entourage Stop in at Georgia's Kitchen and MORE! Peggie's List of Devotional Resources
Peggie's blog, "Fun 'n Faith for the Soul" is no longer available.
Note: Counter keeps a running total of "hits" (which include images and people "hitting" any page or pages),
F O O T E R See Search Engine Submission - AddMe
Note: As of 11/30/15, sites will no longer be checked for dead links. Please contact owner at peggiesplace.com due to tremendous amount of links.
Celebrating God's goodness . . . . . . 16 million and more!
erroneously identified by me as "page views" for the entire site.
--It jogs around the world and around the clock--to find YOU!This Christian home has been visited a zillion times since December 26, 1995!
Well, not quite, but there HAS been a houseful--and STILL room for one more--YOU!
The Christian Counter scans the entire site--and there's plenty of chocolate for everyone--so enjoy!
AddThis.com . . . Search Engine Submission - AddMe
Thanks, AddMe, for promoting Peggie's Place, including my new TWITTER page!Most of the music playing at Peggie's Place originates from Songs of Praise.
Additional (previously named) original source for some midis: Gilberto Barreto.
Visit this great Web site to hear beautiful tunes by many talented artists. CDs are available.5*-places to visit at Peggie's Place: Tickles 'n Truth . . . The Devotional Buffet
All the rooms at Peggie's Place!All Scriptures on this website, including all applications, etc., are from the King James Version of The Holy Bible, public domain, unless otherwise noted.
+ + + + + Please note that while I strongly adhere to major tenets of the evangelical Christian faith, I may not personally agree with every specific doctrinal belief set forth in other Christian pages.
A safety tip: Internet links and material may include other links and/or material which do not reflect my views or yours, Christian or otherwise. Please choose wisely and use with discretion! And if you find an ugly spider hiding in a dark corner, you may smash it with a broom--I hate offensive stuff too!
Report problems to pbohanon@peggiesplace.com. Copyright 1996-2016 by Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, MO. - pbohanon@peggiesplace.com. - All rights reserved.