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Words From the Well!
Peggie C. Bohanon
May God be with those now in the path of Hurricane Katrina! . . . . NOLA.com: Everything New Orleans . . . . YAHOO News
We all watched the news--and we learned an interesting phenomenon about hurricanes. In the very center of the hurricane's circular path, there is a spot known as the "eye of the hurricane," a place of unbelievable calm, dramatically unlike the major force which can blow us all away. Tuck that little thought in your thinking cap--we'll be blown back to it later!
Oh...the wind's not blowing where YOU live? You don't reside in "hurricane alley"? Better look again, for the wind is blowing down YOUR alley too, and it's not nature's wind. It's life's stormy weather known as a "hurricane of the heart"--and if you've not been hit by one yet, you'd better prepare, for as sure as Mother Nature delivers her devastation, it will come. That's life--and how do you face it? Where do you go? Come with me to the Well. The Master of the wind and waves awaits us with a wonderful secret for our survival! Don't bother bringing a windbreaker--for with God's help, you're not going to need one!
When the wind and waves of fear whirl and swirl around me, Lord, when I'm afraid of the "dark" shadows of life, I need You. I've never seen YOU afraid and I know if I'll just be quiet enough to listen, I will hear You say to ME, "Peace be still." Lord, help me listen to Your Word with ears of faith; then help me KNOW with the eyes of faith that you are the Eye of MY Storm. You are my perfect peace; You are my quiet refuge. I RUN to You, Lord--and I find peace!
When the wind and waves of anger whirl and swirl within me, O Lord, help me remember that I must RUN to the Eye of the storm. I must not return evil for evil, hurt for hurt, pain for pain. That's not the way YOU operate--but Lord, I'm going to really need your help on THIS one. I get angry at work, at home, at church; with my family, friends and foes; Lord, I even get angry with myself--but You already know that, don't You! My own love is not big enough nor broad enough to handle the hurts--help me RUN to You for a super-dose of YOUR love--"agape" love-- which will flow through me to the people who have hurt me. Lord, I'm running to Your loving arms. I surrender my anger to You; now fill me with Your love--and let it flow!
When the wind and waves of guilt whirl and swirl within me, Lord, whether it's real guilt or imagined guilt, help me RUN to You. You are God's Grace personified for my need; You give me forgiveness undeserved, for that's what grace is all about. Lord, help me not to hide or run away from You in my times of torment and shame. Help me run TO You, the Eye of the Storm, where the guilt and sin is covered by Your Blood and I am truly forgiven. Lord, I will not carry the heavy load of guilt any longer--I bring it to You. I kneel in the shadow of Your Grace--all is quiet, all is forgiven in the Eye of the Storm!
"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
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This Christian home has been visited a zillion times
since December 26, 1995!
Most of the music playing at Peggie's Place originates from Songs of Praise.
5*-places to visit at Peggie's Place: Tickles 'n Truth . . . The Devotional Buffet
All Scriptures on this website, including all applications, etc., are from the King James Version of The Holy Bible, public domain, unless otherwise noted.
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Copyright 1996-2016 by
Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, MO. - pbohanon@peggiesplace.com. - All rights reserved.
A Hurting
"Look what the wind blew in!" we jokingly exclaim as we greet our good friends we're really glad to see! This past week was not a joke as Hurricane Floyd blew in with all of its destructive fury along the East Coast of the United States. People--and pets--evacuated lovely boarded-up beach homes, clogging up the inland highways, lining up at gas stations, looking for motel and restaurant stops, and waiting out the storm. It was a scary nightmare no one would wish on another human being.
Hurricanes come and go on Planet Earth. As we clean up from Hurricane Floyd, the weather man is watching Hurricane Gert. There seems to be no end to nature's destructive forces...and sometimes there seems to be no end to a heart's devastating forces either. Fear, anger, guilt--powerful emotions--all rage around us and within us and we would surely drown without God's help. But there is a way out--there's faith, love and grace in the Eye of the storm. Run to Him, Who watches us with knowing eye and perfect love. We need not be afraid of the storm--so be still, my soul; you are safe in Him, your Lord and your God--in the EYE OF THE STORM!. A Helping Word...or
His Healing Words
Bible Gateway.com - Psalms+46:1-11">Read Psalm 46.
The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah (Psalm 46:1,10,11 KJV)."
"Lord, I'm in the middle of a hurricane and there's no where to turn. I won't make it, Lord, unless I RUN to You--and I'm running NOW...Keep me safe--thou Eye of MY storm. Help me to know that Your love and Your grace are enough for me. Quiet my heart, dear Lord, as I bow before You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Have a great day serving the Lord!
Visit Songs of Praise below and let the lovely music fill your soul with His peace and joy!
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--It jogs around the world and around the clock--to find
Well, not quite, but there HAS been a houseful--and
STILL room for one more--YOU!
The Christian Counter scans the entire site--and there's plenty of chocolate for everyone--so enjoy!
Thanks, AddMe, for promoting Peggie's Place, including my new TWITTER page!
Additional (previously named) original source for some midis: Gilberto Barreto.
Visit this great Web site to hear beautiful tunes by many talented artists. CDs are available.
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