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Credit for digital music: "Come Fill My Heart" by Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel/Songs of Praise)
Words From the Well!
A Hurting
Ever have days when you're just had it? Ready to jump off the roller coaster of life--emotionally, not literally!! Ready to go out in the middle of the street, jump up and down and scream your silly head off?? Emotionally, not literally! Well, you are not alone - some very real Biblical people whom you are about to meet had troubles just like you - and they did not jump! When I'm done writing and you're done reading, I promise you NONE of us is going to jump off any roller coaster...so hold on, please!The "god of this world" (see 2 Corinthians 4:4) would love to send you on a wild ride until you're ready to jump right into his made-to-order pit of despair and discouragement. Don't let him do it--remember, he's a liar! God, who designed your world, will walk with you all the way--He's there for the pain of your past, the pressures of your present, and the perils of your future. So devil, listen closely--we are in this world but not of this world. Jesus is our Lord, our Guide, our Master, our ALL IN ALL--and we are not ABOUT to jump!
A Helping Word...or Two!
The Jumping Point...Pictures of the Past "I'm ready to jump!" PETER could have said it...but you'll not find it in God's Word! For Peter, the disciple who loved the Lord, in a few moments of pressured time, denied He ever knew him and ran. Imagine waking up the next morning, rubbing your eyes, and then remembering what you did the night before. Pictures of the past play over and over in your mind. You denied your Lord--you failed the One you really loved. Now that's enough to send a man to jump off life's coaster. But he didn't....he was still around, hanging behind in the shadows, but close enough to hear the Lord lovingly call him back. He was restored to fellowship, and went on to serve God the rest of his life.
Don't jump...there's healing from the Lord for each past memory, failure, sin, and shortcoming you've experienced. The devil would haunt you--Jesus would heal you. Accept His love and forgiveness today, and know, more than anything else in this world, He still loves you. There's LIFE after failure...and a world full of joy, NOT jumps! Take the painful memories of your past to the Lord. Leave them at His feet, then get up from your knees with a smile--knowing God accepts and forgives you--and there's no need to jump!.
The Jumping Point...Pressures of the Present "I'm ready to jump!" MOSES could have said it...but you'll not find it in God's Word! For Moses, leader of the children of Israel, faced daily pressures from grown people acting like little kids. They moaned and groaned about no food, then they moaned and groaned about the SAME food...they whined and worshipped a golden calf...they complained and made life miserable for themselves and everyone around them. Poor Moses--I'm a mom and can somewhat relate to cranky, complaining kids who are enough some days to SEND you off that coaster! If you're a parent, you understand perfectly. But remember, MOSES made it....He went up to the mountain, had an encounter with God, and returned to the silly childish mob a changed person, radiant with the joy (AND authority!) of the Lord, and so can you!So don't jump...there's help from the Lord. On those days when the pressures of parenting--or working--or pastoring--or whatever, has you either screaming or sobbing (unless you're a saint who doesn't do things like that), take some quiet time to "go up to the mountain," for an encounter with God. He is a "present help in time of trouble," and understands demanding, crying, stubborn children--He made US, remember? Kneel in His presence until you get a heartwarming Word from Him. Then get up from your knees with a smile--knowing God will help you, and there's no need to jump!
The Jumping Point...Perils of the Future! "I'm ready to jump!" ABRAHAM could have said it a thousand times, as he pitched his tent, picked it up, pitched it again and again....Where was he going? He had no idea--He was just following God. Where was the heir God promised him? He had no idea--He was just believing God! Now there's a little snag in this story, for human that he was, Abraham did jump ahead of God and ended up with not ONE, but TWO little boys who have our world spinning yet today! But let's not look at Abraham's jittery jump-ahead too harshly, for sometimes we jump a little too! Let's remember him for the absolute trust He had in His God. He hoped for that which he could not see, and God counted it for righteousness!So don't jump...hope in the Lord! When God calls, and yet you can't see the road ahead, choose to follow Him regardless. Know that HE knows what He is doing, even when you don't. God's ways are perfect, and we can look with hope to the future, knowing HE will be there, and His Will will be good, acceptable and perfect. Earth holds no hope for the Christian...hell seems to be in charge as our world spins out of control. There IS no hope outside of Jesus Christ, but when you have HIM, there's a world of bright heavenly hope ahead--and there's no need to jump!
...and that's just a thought or two--from my heart to yours!
His Healing Words
"From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in thy tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of thy wings (Psalm 62:1-4 KJV).""Lord, when the pain, pressures and perils of life overwhelm, lead me to the Rock. I can stand on it--it never moves beneath my feet. Help me stand FIRM in the world where you've placed me--I'll NOT jump...I'll stand still to see the salvation of the Lord in my world this week! In Jesus Name, Amen."
"Question Marks on a Roller Coaster Called Life!"
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